For Faith Communities

You Can Help Our Community Live Above the High

Supporting Our Communities

Faith leaders and faith communities are often the first point of contact when individuals and families face challenges with mental health issues or addiction. Many people struggling with these challenges feel hopeless, trapped, or are in such emotional pain or despair that they struggle to face another day.


In times of crisis, many will turn to their faith communities and leaders before they turn to professionals. When faith communities know how to respond they can play a significant role in helping get those struggling onto their journey to recovery.  There are key strategies that faith communities can employ to be a part of the safety net through education, referrals, support, and compassion.

Promote awareness by educating the members of congregations about mental health and addiction:

Invite local experts, including those with lived experience to speak with the congregation
Have open conversations and share facts and common myths about addiction

Connect individuals and families to the help they so desperately need:

Learn the basic signs of addiction and encourage those in need to seek help
Remind people that recovery is possible and treatment is available and effective
Build partnerships with local service providers to direct individuals and families in need to available SUD services and support in the community
Consider offering meeting spaces for community conversations and support groups

Promote acceptance and compassion for those struggling with addiction:

Foster safe and supportive environments for people to openly talk about substance use, mental health, trauma, and related issues
Focus on “what happened” instead of, “what’s wrong” with an individual
Remember voices of leaders and members of faith communities can reduce stigma and greatly influence attitudes about addiction and those who experience it